Thursday, December 17, 2009

Veterans Day Essay

Veterans Day
by Brad Wahlgren

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands. one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all; something students and citizens say every morning to honor our flag. When veterans say those words they mean it, they are the definition of a patriotic American. They are so in love with America they are willing to give their lives for people they have never met and never will meet. America is of such relevance to them that they would take a bullet for America, and everyone in it.
America is very important to veterans, but veterans pay a price for being exposed to the loud noises and stressful procedures of war. Some recent Iraq veterans suffer from various nerve disorders and alcohol problems when they get back. Veterans deserve better treatment than that when they arrive back home. Veterans have lived in fear for years in the Middle East, while people in our country get up in the morning, go to work, and come back to eat dinner and sleep. Veterans deserve a much better-than stellar lifestyle. The government should have several veterans days. When tired veterans return from war they should be honored with presents. Veterans should receive help from the government rebuilding their lives and finding jobs after coming back. Veterans should receive good health care, especially if they have been wounded or disabled in the war.
Care of veterans is a very good thing although praising the veterans leaves something to be desired.When Veterans Day comes around it does not receive the amount of respect it should. If you are a student, sometimes soldiers come to your school carrying a flag. All the students then stand and clap in the assembly and speeches are told, and then the national anthem is played. Other than that nobody gives any more thought to Veterans Day. This day should be as much of a patriotic day as the Fourth of July. Everyone should be in patriotic ecstasy on this day. The idea of having cemeteries dedicated to these hallowed heroes who fought for the land of liberty is a great idea. On veterans day many people should visit the fallen heroes.
Veterans are the most patriotic men and women there are. These people deserve the best treatment and care that we can possibly give, and Veterans day should have more to it. Because, veterans rise above and beyond the call of duty, and support the weight of the entire country that is placed on their shoulders. These veterans sustain injuries and years of comfortless anxiety in war. For these reasons they need to be honored and embraced for the great deeds they have done

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