Thursday, December 17, 2009

All Summer in a Day response

The girl stares forward as her classmates scream and shout various insults and obscenities in her direction. Obscure to her classmates is the reason she isolates herself from them. She ignores the screaming and looks down at the ground with disdain. This girl is forlorn. This outcast abhors her peers. They do not understand her, or why she is like she is. She is different so they pelt her with cliché insults. Isolation should be prevented at all costs for, it’s truly one of the worst things that can happen to someone.
Isolation sometimes is unwillingly brought upon people. Being of a different race or religion sometimes forces prejudice upon yourself. When this fate happens to someone they must be strong and hold their head high. They must take a stand and stick up for themselves.
Like a kid whose baseball team just won the little league championship, Margot from the short story “All Summer in a Day” brings the isolation upon herself, for Margot pontificates about the sun.. In a world where the sun never comes out, and it frequently rains cats and dogs Margot is the lone person who has seen the sun. Because she has seen the sun Margot becomes obsessed with the sun talking about it looks. This drives her peers to extreme disgust. Margot however has apathy and keeps on ignoring the classmates. When they try to include Margot in a game, Margot a lone wolf stares straight ahead. Living like that would drive someone crazy.
The way isolation changes someone is a immense problem, but the way it changes the way people act towards someone which is a even greater problem. Because isolation prevents the thing most dear and relevant to a persons life which is contact and interaction with other human beings. Without contact with people sometimes outcasts and isolated people get a little bit paranoid with being alone with their thoughts.
In addition to Margot’s story, another example of isolation is Francie from the book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Francie is different from all the other children, for she talks differently, a example of this is when she wants to play jump rope with the other children and gets into a argument over her accent. Francie is forced to play by herself in a pretty ugly world of poverty stricken Brooklyn.
Everything is bad about isolation. From how it tends to turn people to insanity to how people treat those who are isolated. These people who feel isolated need to be treated with love, as well as understanding. They go sans communication and without friends. Because these isolated people are at risk of insanity, peers must act as philanthropists, and embrace the people for who they are. Because of all these reasons and what isolation does to someone, it is truly the thing to be most feared.

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