Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Importance of Patriotism

Life in modern society no longer glamorizes war, they longer appreciate the courage required to storm a hill while bullets fly like bees around ones, and they barely acknowledge the consequences of placing oneself in such a traumatic situation. Nowadays, daily life tests humanity, which is why, in a time of trial and stress, America needs the people who care, those who passionately support their neighbors, or storm into battle. America needs patriotism, and requires that it has a plentiful supply.

Enlisting in the military comes to mind when one thinks of patriotism, however simple community service creates the same effect. A patriot passionately engages in politics during elections, they debate and argue with others who oppose them. They actively support their candidate, and wave flags during the 4th of July. They’re an omnipresent source of optimism and are leaders in the community without being soldiers.
While some people are patriotic in the political aspect of the country, a small handful takes interest in the defense of our country. These hallowed few are willing to take a bullet for something greater than them, to give the ultimate sacrifice, the greatest gift that they can give for their country. Humanity fears death because of the unknown, the possibilities of a black void or eternal torture. These are questions that constantly confound our greatest thinkers. Soldiers show true bravery and conquer the universal fear of the unknown. Patriots pay for their bravery after coming back from the war. Many suffer from illnesses such as post traumatic stress disorder and have trouble re-acclimating to civilian life. To make matters worse, the public hampers veterans and doesn’t show appreciation, but we need these brave souls.

A true patriot cares about his or her country. They feel the need to be active in the community, and they are the leaders that make this country great. America runs on their blood, sweat, hard work; the sacrifices given by those who care make this country function. When people say that patriotism is irrelevant, and that community and military service is a waste of time, they forget that people are in foreign countries dying for them, and that’s enough to make one incredibly angry. Patriots ask for no credit or recognition, we as Americans need patriotism to pull us through times of trial, for they are vital to our success.

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