Monday, December 21, 2009



Love is a beautiful thing. Love is a flourishing rose in a dead garden, it intertwines souls, and warms hearts in a difficult and hard world. Devotion and admiration are terrible things, for it splits families, and ruins confidence and hope. Adoration is fragile and should be treated with great care.
Love is an indescribable concept, for it changes from everyone’s view of life. Because someone has a pessimistic outlook on life they may view it as a temporary comfort that will not last, but another person with a brighter and more upbeat tempo may look upon love as a beautiful thing that given time will flourish and last an eternity. The problem then is for the person who looks on life as a glass half full, for he may see it as a futile prospect and not truly devote himself to his spouse thus causing a divorce or falling out. The happier person may fully give his all to his wife and lead a joyous life.
If the person who has a unenthusiastic outlook on life gets into marriage it may lead to a very troubling and tragic concept, divorce. Divorce is a no win situation, for it splits apart two people and families, but it has a even more troubling effect on children especially if one of the parents moves away to a different state or town and doesn’t get to see the child frequently. For instance, if a parent moves away and remarries, the kid may feel the need to have a bias against the new step parent, or perhaps the adolescent just isn’t compatible with the step parent, but the parent analyzes that as the setback.
Love is in its many different aspects in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, an instance of this would be when Johnny Nolan falls in love with Katie Rommely instead of his current girlfriend Hildy O’Dair in a scene like a classic love movie. Johnny displays affection for a peer, although he also exhibits a different kind of love, love for alcohol, as well as singing and dancing, and is slowly knocking on death’s door with his alcohol. In fact Johnny goes so far as to acting drunk when he is in fact, not intoxicated. Francie, Johnny’s daughter, is looked upon as quiet, reflective soul who has a love of literature and is therefore more mature than one should be at her age. Francie’s aunt Sissy causes infatuation among fellow pedestrians when she marches out on the street.
Love definitely controls lives. It dictates how people talk, act, and feel around and towards others. Because of this love must. be treated delicately, and this is why it is treated as a taboo, nor should it be ignored, for it can be a dagger to the heart who deal with its bad side, but on the other hand it can be the beginning of a new vast and grand chapter to someone’s life.
by Brad Wahlgren

Fear Essay


By Brad Wahlgren
Fear is the endless struggle with which people must confront throughout the course of their lifetimes. Phobias mandates what we do, and how do something. Fear keeps people from standing out, and exposing new ideas, yet it can also keep people from fitting in. With fear dictating people’s lives, people truly do not have a fighting chance to succeed and become the best they can be.
Fear happens as often in writing as apples grow on apple trees. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is another one of countless books in which this occurs. Francie fears for her whole family’s life after in a saddening death. Francie’s father Johnny was in and out of occupations, but still managed to get enough to put food on the table, and now the only way to get money is for her mother to work twice as hard. Even with the sacrifices Francie’s mom makes, and hard work she does, she can only bring in a meager and insufficient amount of money. Francie begins to worry what will become of herself and her sibling in the possible event of her mother death casualty. Even before her father died Francie worried that the beer her father consumed would be his doom.
In addition to that, fear is something that can be overcome with age. Such as the classic anxiety of the dark that is commonly scene in little kids, but they learn to overcome their fear and deal with it. Although there are some fears that can’t be conquered until one reaches a seasoned age. Death is one of the primary fear, for it occurs in everybody. The fear of no longer existing or functioning properly is enough to make the hair on the back of anyone’s neck stand on end. In A Tree Grows in Brooklyn this is perhaps Francie’s greatest fear. While shopping she contemplates an old man who is living by himself, and is not desired by his fellows. He is a lone wolf and lives on the street. What Francie fears is his extreme age. Francie has a very common fear. She has a fear of age when your body stops functioning properly and people begin to overlook you. This all comes when one makes the lifelong journey from age to experience.
Fear is something that will happen to us all at multiple points in our lives, especially at relevant moments when money or love is at stake. Although when fear bites us we must bite back and shine for if it controls us we will never be able to accomplish feats, or stand out with new ideas.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Veterans Day Essay

Veterans Day
by Brad Wahlgren

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands. one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all; something students and citizens say every morning to honor our flag. When veterans say those words they mean it, they are the definition of a patriotic American. They are so in love with America they are willing to give their lives for people they have never met and never will meet. America is of such relevance to them that they would take a bullet for America, and everyone in it.
America is very important to veterans, but veterans pay a price for being exposed to the loud noises and stressful procedures of war. Some recent Iraq veterans suffer from various nerve disorders and alcohol problems when they get back. Veterans deserve better treatment than that when they arrive back home. Veterans have lived in fear for years in the Middle East, while people in our country get up in the morning, go to work, and come back to eat dinner and sleep. Veterans deserve a much better-than stellar lifestyle. The government should have several veterans days. When tired veterans return from war they should be honored with presents. Veterans should receive help from the government rebuilding their lives and finding jobs after coming back. Veterans should receive good health care, especially if they have been wounded or disabled in the war.
Care of veterans is a very good thing although praising the veterans leaves something to be desired.When Veterans Day comes around it does not receive the amount of respect it should. If you are a student, sometimes soldiers come to your school carrying a flag. All the students then stand and clap in the assembly and speeches are told, and then the national anthem is played. Other than that nobody gives any more thought to Veterans Day. This day should be as much of a patriotic day as the Fourth of July. Everyone should be in patriotic ecstasy on this day. The idea of having cemeteries dedicated to these hallowed heroes who fought for the land of liberty is a great idea. On veterans day many people should visit the fallen heroes.
Veterans are the most patriotic men and women there are. These people deserve the best treatment and care that we can possibly give, and Veterans day should have more to it. Because, veterans rise above and beyond the call of duty, and support the weight of the entire country that is placed on their shoulders. These veterans sustain injuries and years of comfortless anxiety in war. For these reasons they need to be honored and embraced for the great deeds they have done

All Summer in a Day response

The girl stares forward as her classmates scream and shout various insults and obscenities in her direction. Obscure to her classmates is the reason she isolates herself from them. She ignores the screaming and looks down at the ground with disdain. This girl is forlorn. This outcast abhors her peers. They do not understand her, or why she is like she is. She is different so they pelt her with cliché insults. Isolation should be prevented at all costs for, it’s truly one of the worst things that can happen to someone.
Isolation sometimes is unwillingly brought upon people. Being of a different race or religion sometimes forces prejudice upon yourself. When this fate happens to someone they must be strong and hold their head high. They must take a stand and stick up for themselves.
Like a kid whose baseball team just won the little league championship, Margot from the short story “All Summer in a Day” brings the isolation upon herself, for Margot pontificates about the sun.. In a world where the sun never comes out, and it frequently rains cats and dogs Margot is the lone person who has seen the sun. Because she has seen the sun Margot becomes obsessed with the sun talking about it looks. This drives her peers to extreme disgust. Margot however has apathy and keeps on ignoring the classmates. When they try to include Margot in a game, Margot a lone wolf stares straight ahead. Living like that would drive someone crazy.
The way isolation changes someone is a immense problem, but the way it changes the way people act towards someone which is a even greater problem. Because isolation prevents the thing most dear and relevant to a persons life which is contact and interaction with other human beings. Without contact with people sometimes outcasts and isolated people get a little bit paranoid with being alone with their thoughts.
In addition to Margot’s story, another example of isolation is Francie from the book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Francie is different from all the other children, for she talks differently, a example of this is when she wants to play jump rope with the other children and gets into a argument over her accent. Francie is forced to play by herself in a pretty ugly world of poverty stricken Brooklyn.
Everything is bad about isolation. From how it tends to turn people to insanity to how people treat those who are isolated. These people who feel isolated need to be treated with love, as well as understanding. They go sans communication and without friends. Because these isolated people are at risk of insanity, peers must act as philanthropists, and embrace the people for who they are. Because of all these reasons and what isolation does to someone, it is truly the thing to be most feared.